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It’s my real story

Last summer, I suddenly found myself deaf to the world when I listened to music with headphones. I wanted to feel the sound as if I were at a summer evening rock concert in the park. Now, I can ride my bike and take the music with me on my shoulder. And I’m no longer deaf to the world.
It’s your turn to try on Sound walk.

“It’s all about hands and ears free.”



What is Soundwalk?

Until now, the only way to listen to portable music players is via headphones.
But the AZA Soundwalk, using light-weight speakers located in the shoulder straps,
Its slim vest-style design comes in various colors and ‘highlight strips’ provide an added measure of security for nighttime sports.

Why do we like Soundwalk?

Free yourself from the problems with headphones
- Relieve your ears and hear the world around you
   (eadphones rub against your ears and close you off from the world)
- Decreasing the hearing loss caused by high pitches with headphones

Solve the difficulties of communication

- People can communicate while listening to the music

Surrounding effect sound
- The speakers, located on the shoulders underneath the ears, provide a surrounding effect.
- Ambient sound such as birds’ songs when we are listening to the music via soundwalk

Eliminate the inconvenience of wires
All of the wires are strategically built into the Soundwalk

Provides convenient activity (Mount-base for MP3 player and cellular phone)
Hands-Free Selector for the selection between MP3 player and cellular phone
- Hands-Free functionality increases your safety and convenience while inline skating,
   skateboarding, biking and the other outdoor sports

- You can hear both the music and the environment around you
- Reflective material improves others’ ability to see you at night

Always with the Soundwalk

Whenever, wherever, whatever, we can enjoy it!
MTB, Inline, hiking, jogging, skateboard & every type of X-games





Patent & Registration
- Korea utility patent (30-2005-0013488) : Clause 7
- US Utility Patent : App # 2004-0030598
- SoundWalk Registration of Design / Registered the Trademark

Company Info : Rpack.com Inc.
5F Wonwoo B/D, 636-7 Deungchon1-Dong, Gangseo-Ku,
Seoul 157-839, KOREA
Tel.+82-2-2659-1711 Fax.+82-2-2659-1710
Contact Person : June Mobile +82-11-9631-1706 / june@rpack.com



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rpz (rpz , 1686point)
2005-09-07 15:59:58
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